also here is a quote from Father Angel:
Yes, of course you can invite Protestant friends. Just explain that Confirmation is an increase of the Holy Spirit’s gifts so that you can live as a Christian with courage. Explain who the bishop is, what the holy oil of chrism means, what are some things to expect at Mass. Then tell them that the Catholic Church observes “closed Communion” which means Communion is closed unless you join the Catholic Church and accept its doctrines about the bread and wine really and truly becoming Jesus’ Body and Blood.
At first, some non-Catholics get hurt and say that it is mean and not very welcoming to tell them not to receive Communion. A good comeback is to say we believe that Jesus would also be very hurt if we didn’t properly train people to receive His Body and Blood. Even Catholics are not able to approach until they have a period of special prayer and training to understand the Sacrament.
in the hand:
in the hand:
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