the view of some Eastern abbots writing to Pope Paschal around 800 AD after the Great Schism
“Hear, O apostolic head, divinely appointed Shepherd of Christ’s sheep, keybearer of the kingdom of heaven, rock of the faith, upon whom is built the Catholic Church. For Peter art thou, who adornest and governest the chair of Peter. . . Hither, then, from the West, imitator of Christ, arise and repel not for ever. To thee spake Christ our Lord: ‘And thou being one day converted, shalt strengthen thy brethren.’ Behold the hour and the place. Help us, thou that art set by God for this. Stretch forth thy hand so far as thou canst. Thou hast strength with God, through being the first of all.” (this is the end of the quote)
K. Doran comments on the above quote by saying, "You can find a lot of examples that explicitly lay out the lack of a final appeal on doctrinal matters beyond the pope, the lack of validity of ecumenical councils that are overruled by the pope, and yes — even though the Easterns don’t like to admit this — universal jurisdiction of the Pope. All before the great schism, and including prominent voices from the East."
from comment 96 here:
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