Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Peter in Rome--evidence Historically

The following is a quote about Peter being in Rome   (comment 110 here:

Here are some Father’s who mentioned Peter’s presence in Rome:

Ignatius of Antioch 107 AD
Dionysus of Corinth 166 AD / 174 AD
Irenaeus 180 AD
Gaius 198 AD / 217 AD
Clement of Alexandria
Origen of Alexandria
Porhyry of Tyre
Peter of Alexandria
Lactantius of Africa
Cyril of Jerusalem
Pope Damasus I
The list goes on, through Jerome and Augustine and so forth. As for making the jump from Peter’s primacy to his successor’s primacy. . . are you interested in discussing Clement and Ignatius in more detail? Because the jump looks clear to me.
Finally, you said: “But, there is no definable institution that we can call a hierarchy in the Apostolic and post-Apostolic churches.”
Andrew, have you read carefully the arguments that we’ve made about hierarchy in the apostolic Church? In what way is Peter’s primacy, and the apostle’s authority over others, and the deacon’s authority over still other matters not evidence for a definable institution that we can call a hierarchy? If that is not a hierarchy, then what is?
K. Doran
see also  Was Peter the First Bishop of Rome?
By Oswald Sobrino, J.D., M.A.  link: PeterInRome.doc

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