quote from here:http://www.saintaquinas.com/controversial.html
''Before I address the Church’s teaching on matter of faith and morals I’d like to explain the role of dogma in the Catholic faith.For anyone who professes to be Catholic, their faith requires them to believe certain teachings with “divine and Catholic faith”.No amount of personal opinion, “conscientious objection”, or personal desires can excuse them from acting contrary to a defined dogma of the Catholic Church.Certain dogmas such as Christ’s resurrection, the Trinity of God, redemption of sin, belief in heaven and hell and other such dogmas are regarded as pillars of the faith.These teachings cannot be abandoned without simultaneously abandoning the Catholic faith.The church exists to teach men the truth and aid them in attaining salvation through the graces given by Christ’s death and resurrection.Dogmatic teachings are absolutely needed by the faithful so that they can attain salvation.The need for dogmatic teachings is necessary because without them the faithful do not know what is required to gain everlasting life.That is why the Church has the right and the duty to define what we are required to believe in matters of faith and morals.In fact, faith is defined as “the theological virtue by which we believe in God and believe in all that he has said and revealed to us, and that Holy Church proposes for our belief, because he is truth itself (CCC 1814).”When faith is united with the gifts of hope and charity wrought by the redemption of Christ, faith enlivens our soul and gives us spiritual life.Make no mistake, Catholics “do not believe in formulas, but in those realities they express, which faith allows us to touch (CCC 170).” “Salvation comes from God alone; but because we receive the life of faith through the Church, she is our mother (CCC 168).”As our mother, we ought to respect and obey the Church.
There is one more fundamental point on Church teachings that confuse many Catholics.Many Catholics believe that some traditions such as the celibacy of the priesthood, use of liturgical vestments, Lenten requirements, and other disciplines are dogmas of the Church that cannot be changed.Such things are not dogmas but disciplines that can be changed by the Church to suite the needs of the faithful.Changing these things will not compromise the Faith because they are not of the faith by necessity.If the Catholic Church wanted, she could allow priests to marry (which does occur in the Eastern rite of the Church) or wear common clothes while saying mass or even eliminate the season of Lent.The fact that the Church rarely alters her disciplinary traditions shows us that these traditions are beneficial and have been proven to be proper and pious by the test of time.So how do we distinguish dogmas from disciplinary teachings?Dogmas and definitions of faith and morals are explicitly promulgated by a Church Ecumenical Council convened or endorsed by the pope (such as the Council of Trent, First Vatican Council, and Vatican Council II) or by a pope in an encyclical letter.Yet, not all statements given by a council or a pope are considered dogmatic decrees.Only those statements which fulfill the following three conditions:
1)The decree is intended for belief by all the Church’s faithful
2)The decree is related to a matter of faith and morals
3)The decree comes from the pope when exercising his teaching authority as head of the Church or by a general Church council endorsed by the pope
Dogmas are not new teachings added to the beliefs of the Church; rather they are refinements and clarifications of Church Traditions taught by Christ and the twelve apostles.Dogmas, Traditional teachings, and Sacred Scripture form the Deposit of Faith and constitute the faith of the Church.Explicit doctrines from the Deposit of Faith can be found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
With a proper understanding of the role of Church teachings and practices, we can now properly address the Church’s stance on various matters of faith and morals.''
see also http://www.readability.com/articles/kljm9mwc
I think part of the problem is when the church calls something sin and then changes the regulation. ie--no eating for 12 hours or whatever before mass, to one hour before the Eucharist---perhaps this is similar to the veil a woman wears in the New Testament. As culture changes the discipline is changed --and what is important is the heart seeing things as holy?
a listing of dogmas http://catho.org/9.php?d=g1 note need to translate
see also http://www.readability.com/articles/kljm9mwc
I think part of the problem is when the church calls something sin and then changes the regulation. ie--no eating for 12 hours or whatever before mass, to one hour before the Eucharist---perhaps this is similar to the veil a woman wears in the New Testament. As culture changes the discipline is changed --and what is important is the heart seeing things as holy?
a listing of dogmas http://catho.org/9.php?d=g1 note need to translate
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